HS Studio in Art- Masterpiece Spoof

Maurader School Mascot- Variations on a Theme
Create a painting of a wolf/cow in the style of a master artist.
Essential Questions:
What is the significance of your selected artist and his/her movement?
How can you describe and imitate the style of your selected artist?
REQUIREMENTS: Minimum size: 11" X14"
1) Your teacher will assign you a master artist: Examine the master's art work.
2) Read the entire Scholastic Art issue dedicated to your artist. Research the artist by finding out important information:
Movement the artist was connected with: years( - )
Movement description:
Years the person lived: ( - )
2 Example art works:
2 Interesting facts:
List subjects in artworks
Colors they would have use in their palette:
Techniques, medium and style:
Possible painting you will base you piece on: URL: or page in what book?
3) Using a wolf photograph as reference, draw several thumbnails for your design. After a critique select the best option. Decide what medium you will use- pastel, watercolor, acrylic instead of oils, craypa, colored pencil? You do not have to use the same medium your artist used.
4) Sketch your design on your surface, and begin painting. Discuss your plan of action individually with Mrs. Thomas.
5) Bring your research information along with examples of the artist's work to share with the class when you introduce your artist to the class with your finished art work.
6) Final written exam (critique of your work) will be provided for you to TAKE HOME 2 weeks before exam dates- June 2 (write final version in class 6/16).