H.S. Computer Animation, Claymation

(part of the WebQuest Unit)

Claymation Assignment:

Students will work as a team to create a Claymation for Cezanne Studio and Tamara Thomas, movie producer. The animation should be around 30 seconds long on the topic of responsibilty. Mrs. Thomas will be consulting with you on a regular basis.

1. Examine the Claymations on the web.

2. Assign students to roles on the team. Team members will be as follows:

Team Members

Animation Jobs

2 or more clay artists- build the characters

Set Designer- Creates the set


2 Camera operators- take the photos of each movement, sets up lighting


All members

Storyboard artists-(all team members brainstorm the concept) -draw the story board


2 Motion control artists- move characters, other objects and set


Audio producer- selects music to accompany the animation

Animation Manager- checks progress, checks the clock, gets people in gear, following schedule? And notes?

Text transition cell makers

Animators using PhotoShop (ex. scenes and text)- Take the photographs, arrange into layers and convert to animation using ImageReady

***SEE WebQuest for links to sites that may help you.

3. Brainstorm the topic of "responsibility".

4. As a team you will create the storyboard showing a beginning, middle and an end. You must include at least 8 frames. Refer to the storyboard section of the Webquest.

5. Clay characters need to be built using armatures.

6. Set needs to be built and arranged.

7. Learn about the new digital cameras. Review the Camera Shots documents.

8. Generally rehearse the animation before photographing.

9. Begin filming- every new movement is a new photograph.

10. Save the images to the server. Make sure you are keeping track of the order of the


11. Create text frames if needed.

12. Arrange all images and text frames in the correct order.

13. Open the images in ImageReady. Import folder as frames.

14. Set the delays per frame.

15. Edit further in Quick Editor.